
Writing ( B1 We All Pass Animal Foundation)

Hello everyone I would like to communicate you, the garage sale that we did Sunday, It was a great success and We have felt the support of all the people who love animals. All we want to communicate the amount of collection. We have just done the accounting and we have the exact collection figures, we are pleased to inform you that we raised 1000 dollars in the garage sale, all of this was possible, thanks to donations of things for the garage sale. We already know that the animals will feel the support of all; they will also have a home and food until you allow us to support us with your donations. they have one heart my big and even though they don't speak, it bark and meow in appreciation for your help. We promise that all proceeds will be invested for the animals that need it. David Ganán and team resources Manager

Holiday Experience

All my family decided to visit a new place where there are not many people, because of the pandemic. We got to know the Ecuadorian East, first we were visiting a snake zoo in Puyo. Second, we went 1 hour from puyo, exactly to the caverns of cumandy. My mother entered and a few minutes she was lost because her flashlight did not work. The end of the day we are very tired. we returned to puyo and got a very cheap hotel, we stayed and the next day we woke up very early, and we went to the tena, to a very beautiful lake we had a great time everything was beautiful. At the end of our little tour to the east, we bought some worms called Chontacuro, these little animals looked ugly but their taste was different, I loved their taste. Well, this was my little journey through eastern Ecuador. I recommend it thanks.